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Özel Mesajlar

You can send and receive messages between your friends and other managers using the Soccer Manager Özel Mesaj service. This means that you will be able to discuss strategies with your friends, negotiate transfers with other managers or similar without ever leaving the site.

You can send another manager a Özel Mesaj through either their Profil (which can be accessed by clicking on the manager's name) or through the Oyuncunun Profili of one of their player's and clicking on Menajerle İrtibata Geç. Once you are within the message template type your message and then click Send.

Diğer teknik direktörlere göndereceğin mesaj onların posta kutusuna ulaştığında, yeni bir Özel Mesaj aldıkları kendilerine Bildiri Çubuğu üzerinde yer alan zarf ikonu vasıtasıyla bildirilir. Aynı şekilde, sen de bu yolla bir özel mesaj aldığın zaman, aynı zarf ikonu senin de Bildiri Çubuğunun üzerinde belirecektir.

To read a new message simply click on the envelope icon within the Notification bar and then select the Özel Mesaj you wish to read. If you want to respond then simply enter your reply within the message box prior to clicking Reply.

If you want to delete a Özel Mesaj then you must click on the Delete button next to the message within your Inbox that you wish to delete.

There is also a facility to block a manager from sending you messages. To block a manager from sending you a message you will need to click on the Engelle link. If you wish to unblock someone and let them send messages to you once again then go to your Engellenenler Listesi and click on the Unblock link next to their name.

If you receive any Özel Mesaj which you believe breaks the Ahlak Kuralları then we advise you to report it and also block this person from sending you any further Özel Mesajlar. To report a message you will need to click on the Küfürlü Özel Mesaj Bildir link.